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Creating Clean, Safe & Hygienic Learning Environments

A clean and safe environment holds the key to curbing disease transmission and elevating attendance rates. At Advance, we stand as your partner in this critical mission, offering tailored solutions that not only address hygiene and cleanliness but also embrace eco-friendliness.


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Operational Efficiency

Our comprehensive solutions drive cost-effective operations, optimising every side from labour to supplies. With Advance, your operations become greener and more efficient.

Infection Prevention

In educational settings, preventing disease transmission is vital. Our products break the chain of infection, creating a safe haven for students, guests, and staff, reducing illness and absenteeism.

Environmental Friendly

Our commitment to eco-consciousness complements our pursuit of a healthier educational atmosphere, ensuring a positive impact on attendance rates and overall well-being of people and planet.

Free Site Audit

A free site audit is a thorough assessment by our sales team at your premise to evaluate your cleaning practices, identify hygiene challenges, and recommend a tailored solution to cleanliness, safety, efficiency, and ultimately save costs.

Book a Free Site Audit

How we can help you achieve your cleaning and hygiene goals?

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